idaho spring black bear hunting

Mat Cervantes: Idaho Archery Black Bear Hunt Report

As an International hunter with traveling the planet as a job, I have been blessed to be able to hunt interesting critters all over world. Recently Outdoors International (OI) held their first annual staff hunt and this year it was for black bear; to be honest I had never hunted bear but always wanted to.  I have dreamt of a bear rug since I was a kid, a roaring fire in a cabin setting and the traditional bear rug in front; perfect. Who knew that all these years later I would be standing at the taxidermist office putting down a deposit for just that, a giant bear rug!

Our Idaho archery black bear hunt started with our trusted and tested Idaho outfitter, Kris and a desire to hold a team building event for the OI staff. Anyone who has been part of a well planned and executed team building event can attest to it truly bringing the team together and leaving a positive energy that leads to more productivity and in our case; selling more hunts.

Team OI on the first annual Team Hunt

Five days in the woods with archers in bear camp who share the same dream as you but may have never met, a brother from another mother; how cool is that?

Since we had both mules and a pack goat string, we enjoyed wall tents, gourmet camp food, cots and a nice campfire for our spring bear hunt. All was well prepared and planned, everyone all saw bears but I was the only one to connect with a bear big enough to make a stalk on. Even though our hunt was to be primarily on bait, we got to spot and stalk with stick and string!

A Giant Color Phase Bear was on the Bait

Outdoors International teammate Russ Meyer and I ate dinner, then walked up the hill a ways and made our way to bait but the wind was swirling so we had to hang back from the bait site for about an hour. In that time of glassing we spotted a giant color phased bruin walking down the mountain at about 240 yards, with a rifle we would have tagged out already; but that’s too easy and when has my life been easy?

The boar was very cautious and left then came back again and although we could not see our bait we knew he was probably there after waiting another 20 minutes. The wind died down and was now traveling downhill so we dropped our gear, boots and went stalking native American style. Our plan was for Russ to range him and me to shoot once we crept over the crest and were able to see the bait. So we snuck up and peeked over and sure enough there he was eating but facing us for nearly 10 minutes with us frozen at 40 yards until he finally turned broadside.

We could not creep any closer, so we decided to wait, he turned and I brought my Hoyt to full draw and waited and waited and waited more…. until my eyes blurred and I was getting shaky. He was almost perfect but had his front left leg still to the rear covering his vitals. I began to panic with buck fever and had to look away at the nearest tree. My heart was thumping hard and I had to focus on the color of the needles, lol.

The bear knew something was up, the wind stopped, the forest was quiet and he was about to run. Finally he brought his leg forward and I made a decision to aim slightly back behind the shoulder more because it was hard to judge in dusk light and blurry vision where the massive shoulder ended, just as he move to the left I let arrow fly!

The bear roared and ran off but only 20 yards. He was hurt but not running, as it grew very dark we sat and listened to him pant and move up the hill in slow motion while we nervously smoked victory cigarettes (It’s bad for my health I know but it was taught to me from old hunters and that’s what I do to calm nerves and wait for the animal to expire; usually two smokes.) Since the bear had not expired yet and it was very dark, we had to wait and come back in the morning. No sane hunter tracks a wounded bear in the dark!

The arrow exiting Mat's bear

Before we came back to camp, we snuck down and retrieved the SD card from the trail camera at the bait, and to our amazement we captured an image of the arrow exiting the bear! All night at camp we went over the event and I kicked myself for a poor shot. We made a plan for an early morning and went to bed.

Mat, Russ and Cory with an archery Idaho bear

The next morning, Cory, Russ and I made our way back to the spot and guess who came running out of the area? A coyote! Bad sign…We found the arrow, very bloody, good strong blood trail and as we followed it up the hill we saw him under a dead fall only 100 yards from the bait, dead with a giant hole in his side where the coyote ate dinner. We rejoiced and were bummed at the same time. The wound was eaten but the hide would be saved and the meat was intact. The shot was a little back since I made the decision to shift right a little and he went left at the same time; bad combo.

Cory and Russ skinning Mat's bear

After much skinning and butchering we and the bear taxidermist guessed his weight at over 300 pounds and about 6’6” long with a probable age of 10-12 years old. Gotta love the rut because that kind of bear would not normally be in that area. His skull measured 19. 1/8th” and made Pope and Young.

Russ using the Honey Badger Wheel to pack out Mat's bear

The hide was beautiful, the meat delicious; one and done?

Heck no; I can’t wait to hunt with the OI team again hopefully I’ll get a pretty black one but I think we are chasing mule deer next year. Thanks to Cory and Russ for all the bear hunting wisdom and pack help. I’d like to also thank the guys over at The Honey Badger Wheel for sending us a prototype to test. It made the packout easy!

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Past OI Draw Winners

WINNER: Seth Sayles

Congratulations to Seth Sayles for winning this great Offshore sailfishing trip in Mexico for two (with $500 of travel expenses thrown in). You're going to love it, great trip.

WINNER: Brandon Ball

Congratulations to OI Draw Winner, Brandon Ball! He won a New Zealand Red Stag Hunt of a Lifetime!

WINNER: Christopher Adams

Congratulations to OI Draw Winner, Christopher Adams! He won a Fully Guided Mexico Coues Deer Hunt.

WINNER: Tyler Kirk

"Thank you Outdoors International! I'm very excited for the trip! I’ll be bringing my dad along with me. If you haven’t put in for the OI draws you should these guys are legit!"

WINNER: Brye Mangum

"I am so grateful for the opportunity! Thank you to Outdoors International, all the PHs and their awesome staff. I made some new friends and will be back to Africa to see them again 100%."

WINNER: Dason Lasater

"I won an OI Draw and it turned out to be one of my most memorable and rewarding experiences. This was my first guided hunt, and the outfitter was amazing! He was able to keep me encouraged and motivated, and he suggested I hold out for true trophies. I would rate him an 11 on a scale from 1-10. I always dreamed about Africa, but never thought it'd be a reality for me."

WINNER: Kim Osborn

Join us in congratulating Kim Osborn, winner of the OI Draw! She's in for an unforgettable hunting experience with a top-notch PH, 5-star lodging, and high trophy quality animals.

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Outdoors International

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We have a team of hand-selected hunting experts to help you book your next trip. Our job it is to help you in researching, booking and planning a great adventure with one of our amazing outfitter partners around the world.


My hunt was absolutely top notch.

The outfitter is a fantastic man and incredibly hard working and knowledgeable, there is no doubt he will do everything within his power to make peoples hunts successful and enjoyable. I plan to do it again with him next year for sure.

Wade Zuver

Our hunt was excellent.

We saw bucks every day along with all other sorts of wildlife. Mountain goats, bears, and foxes were common sights. Fishing and crabbing was special bonus. The food was excellent, the crew was amazing. Outdoors International did a great job of finding exactly what we were looking for.

Jesse Neveau

What an amazing experience!

The hunting lodge was out of this world!, Rooms, food and the scenery were all A+. Our guide was exceptional and had us on Shiras moose all five days. We saw over 30 total with at least 10 bulls. They had a plan for everything including taxidermy and game processing.

Kayla Redmon


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Outdoors International
Whether it’s hunting, fishing, wingshooting, or outdoor adventure travel, our goal for you is a safe, worry free, successful trip from start to finish. Our continued success depends on giving you good advice.

2 thoughts on “Mat Cervantes: Idaho Archery Black Bear Hunt Report

  1. Pingback: Arizona Black Bear Hunting Information

  2. Pingback: HUNT REPORT: Bear/Turkey Combo Hunt with Boulder Creek Outfitters

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