Roosevelt elk

Subspecies of Elk

There are at least six subspecies of elk according to biologist Olaus Murie, who studied them extensively over his lifetime. Of the six subspecies of elk in North America, there are three subspecies of elk with hunt-able populations classified by the Boone and Crockett club. The American elk, the Roosevelt elk and the Tule elk.

Eastern Elk

The Eastern (Cervus canadensis canadensis) was the first subspecies of elk discovered by white men in North America.

This elk was defined in simple terms as “all elk East of the Rocky Mountains”. This definition no longer holds true as Rocky Mountain Elk or what is now called the American Elk have been transplanted to several states East of the Rocky Mountains, including Arkansas, Kentucky, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. These states have small elk herds and allow elk hunting on a limited basis.

Your elk hunting success will depend on making the right choices before your elk hunt. We can help you find elk hunting success.
The Rocky Mountain Elk is by far the most widely distributed subspecies of elk.

American AKA Rocky Mountain Elk

The most widespread species is the Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus canadensis nelsoni) or what many now call the American elk.

The American Elk live west of the Mississippi River. A bull American elk can weigh 800 pounds or more while a cow typically weighs 450 to 500 pounds. The largest herds of American elk lives in Colorado which has over 300,000 animals in it, but arguably the best elk hunting can be found in Arizona. If you can draw a tag.

Our Rocky Mountain Elk Hunts:

Roosevelt Elk

Roosevelt Elk

The Roosevelt Elk (Cervus canadensis roosevelti) is the largest bodied of all of the subspecies of elk.

A mature bull can weigh up to 1,000 pounds where a mature cow can weigh up to 600 pounds. Roosevelt elk are found in Oregon and Washington but some inhabit northern California and British Columbia. The Roosevelt Elk is darker than the American elk and some say they are the toughest species to hunt because they often don’t bugle as much as American elk. The terrain they live in can be extremely rugged and wet because many of them inhabit the rainforest located in Oregon.

Tule Elk

The Tule Elk (Cervus nannodes) can only be found in parts of central California.

Smaller in size that the other species, an adult bull tips the scales at 600 pounds or less while a cow typically weighs 300 to 350 pounds. The Tule Elk thrive in the moderate Mediterranean climate and subsequent vegetation type in its native range.

Manitoban Elk

This subspecies of elk (Cervus canadensis manitobensis) lives in Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

Sometimes, Manitoban elk wander across the border into the Great Lakes States. Compared to the American Elk, it is larger in body size but has smaller antlers. This subspecies of elk was driven to near extinction in the early 1900’s, but has since recovered.

Merriam Elk

The Merriam elk (Cervus canadensis merriami) is sadly, now extinct.

This subspecies of elk once lived in the Southwest United States. Mainly Arizona and New Mexico.

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3 thoughts on “Subspecies of Elk

  1. Cory Glauner says:

    I always thought the Manitoban elk was extinct as well as the Merriam's. Interesting.

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