Jason with a great Wyoming spot-and-stalk, color phase black bear.

Jason Brule: Spot and Stalk Wyoming Black Bear Hunt Report

TRIP TAKEN: Spot and Stalk Wyoming Black Bear Hunt
CONSULTANT: Kyle Hanson, Outdoors International

May, 2024

We had a great black bear hunt in Wyoming. The guide was very knowledgeable and did a great job scouting ahead of time. We were at about 10,000 feet elevation hunting in some valleys. The evening of the first day got a nice cinnamon phase black bear. The guide was great to work with after the shot with field dressing and meat and hide care. Overall great experience and highly recommend this bear hunt.

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He did a great job walking me through the process. Communicated via email and phone. Did a good job checking in leading up to and following the hunt to make sure everything was still on track.

Would you use Outdoors International again? YES
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