Our hunters are having relatively good success on our Idaho wolf hunts, which is astounding to say the least. It’s one of the toughest kinds of hunts there is. You may not get an opportunity, and if you do, make the most of it. That said, our outfitters are very good at finding wolves for our clients.
Hunt one of the most elusive and smartest creatures in the West.
These wary apex predators will challenge you in every way as a hunter. The timber wolf of the Idaho Salmon River area should be on every hunters list if you are looking for wilderness adventure and a challenge like no other. Successful hunters will know their rifle and its capabilities well, as your opportunity at a shot may be out to 300+ yards. Physical fitness is also key as these animals do not usually roam in easy to hunt places.
When to go on a wolf hunt in Idaho.
Our Frank Church wilderness outfitter thinks that early September is is the best time of year as the wolves are responding to calls. While another of our outfitters likes to hunt them on the winter range, often by spot-and-stalk hunting.
Run a trapline for wolves.
One of our outfitters offers a combo mountain lion hunt with the chance to trap wolves, bobcats, coyotes and other critters. When your not out hunting, the outfitter and his crew can show you trapping techniques on how to catch different critters, like they did back in the days of Mountain Men who roamed these peaks and valleys before the settlers came.
A wolf hunt in Idaho (or anywhere else for that matter) is tough, but our hunters have had good success over the years.
Intrigued? Contact us for more details.
We work with a number of outfitters: #OI-CDO1; #OI-KO1
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