The Northern Territories is the land where the sun never sets. The beauty of the tundra captivates all who travel the distance to experience it. Are looking for breathtaking views, wildlife like you have never seen, and unmatched Lake trout fishing? Or a trip that is as remote as they come but still being able to stay in a lodge? If so, fishing Aylmer Lake is for you.
These Lake trout are an incredibly aggressive and hard fighting fish that are not uncommon to reach the 40 pound mark. The current record is 58 pounds for our outfitter that was caught in 2009. In addition to these Lake trout, Arctic grayling can be caught as well!
The Fishing Lodge on Aylmer Lake
Comfortable and large enough to accomodate all group sizes, this dining room with its huge picture windows offers an AMAZING panoramic view of the bay and the surrounding hills behind the lodge. Each day there is a choice of a shore lunch or a packed lunch. You will sleep comfortably in the small cabins around the main lodge. Showers with plenty of hot water are located in the main lodge as well. Guests can expect to enjoy breakfasts and dinner each day in the spacious dining room of the lodge.
Contact us today if catching giant Lake trout sounds good to you.
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