Your group will hunt Eastern Prince William Sound for multiple species on this 5 day, 6 night DIY hunting trip aboard a 5-Star rated ocean vessel.
Eat like kings with meals consisting of fresh caught Copper River Chinook and Sockeye Salmon, Pacific Halibut, Tanner and Golden King crab, along with moose and deer steaks, roasts and burgers. Sleep in a comfortable bunk in a bunk room each night with access to a hot shower daily. Dry your gear at night and start each day ready to chase trophy Sitka blacktail deer. Change it up for a day and pursue some of the 17 different species of ducks available in the area. Your group will have five full days of hunting while the crew takes care of things on board and gets you safely to and from your hunting areas daily.
This is a Top Shelf Alaskan Adventure!
Everyone should experience a trip like this at least once in their life, and it’s a favorite repeat trip for those who take the challenge of hunting Alaska. The only regret most have is that they didn’t come sooner!
- Vessel-based DIY hunt out of Cordova, Alaska.
- Each hunter can hunt for up to four Sitka blacktail deer and sea ducks. All tags are available over-the-counter.
- More than a dozen species of ducks are available including: Harlequin; Barrow’s Goldeneye; Surf Scoter; and the elusive Old Squaw (long-tailed).
- The live-aboard boat has multiple bunkrooms, a bathroom with a shower, and a covered area to process your game on board.
- Trip includes hot meals with fresh food, including local seafood.
- The winning group will have the entire boat to themselves.
- Marine sightseeing and saltwater fishing is available depending on the time of year and the location of your hunt.
Your group will stay on a live-aboard vessel.
- It has multiple bunkrooms, a bathroom with a shower, and a covered area to process your game on board.
- Food is fresh seafood, wild game, fresh produce & local fair, non-alcohol drinks included.
Your daily schedule will have you up around sunrise for a hot breakfast and coffee.
Once the group decides what animals will be targeted for the day, the crew will get you ashore with snacks or a sack lunch where you will spend the day hunting and pursuing the animals you choose on your own. Hunters can have up to four Sitka blacktail tags, a black bear tag, and a small game license which covers smaller predators (coyote/fox) and waterfowl.
Game can be cleaned in the field or processed back on the boat where equipment and facilities are available. Fishing will likely also be available during moves and around hunting activities depending on group preference.
Winner Gets:
- Logistical assistance before and after your hunt from your OI Consultant.
- All transportation from Cordova, Alaska.
- Lodging during the hunt.
- Meals. Food is fresh seafood, wild game, fresh produce and local fair, non-alcohol drinks included.
Winning Applicants are Responsible for:
- Transportation to and from Cordova, Alaska.
- Licenses (hunting, fishing, waterfowl stamps). Tags (available OTC).
- NO GUIDING INCLUDED. You are responsible for all hunting, getting your game packed to where the boat can pick you up and processing your meat and trophies.
- While a tip is not required, it is very much appreciated, and the staff often depend on them a supplemental income.
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