Patrick Kissel: Utah Archery Mule Deer Hunt Report
That night I walked off the mountain with an unexplainable feeling of satisfaction only a [...]
Fishing Streamers for Trout in Alaska
While fly fishing alaska rainbow trout it can be hard to keep dolly varden from [...]
Bedroom Bugles – Patrick Kissel’s Utah Archery Elk Hunt
From where I stood when I released the arrow his blood trail started just 7 [...]
Cantaria Beetle
The star of the show when fishing in Patagonia Chile, and a favorite bug to [...]
Three Wheels, a Hike, and Trout in Colorado
I had been here before, twice actually years ago. The first time was well worth [...]
Patagonia Fly Fishing Adventure Report [Part II]
...I fought him hard from the weeds and quickly tailed 25” of spring creek brown! [...]
Patagonia Fly Fishing Adventure Report by Patrick Kissel
This area is a fly fisherman’s dream…here is just part of my journal from a [...]
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